between the sun and the sand

sometimes I wonder how my life would have been if I were born in a certain place.. so whenever I travel to the seaside I can't help but daydream about it. daydreaming is a part of who I am, and it's probably what drew me into writing since a young age. the opportunity to live a life I've never known, like waking up everyday between the sun and the sand.

a veces me pregunto cómo sería mi vida si hubiese nacido en determinado lugar.. es por ello que siempre que viajo hacia el mar mi mente vuela y sueño despierta al respecto. el soñar despierta es parte de quién soy y probablemente la razón que me motivó a escribir desde una temprana edad. una oportunidad para vivir una vida que nunca he vivido, como la de despertar día a día entre el sol y la arena.

about me

self portrait taken in a hotel room in montevideo, uruguay

about me

1. I believe in God, and I am proud to be His daughter.

2. when I was younger, I used to sit outside in the backyard, hug my dogs and cry whenever I was upset. I was and I am still absolutely certain that they knew exactly how I felt. my dream as a child was to become a veterinarian; as a teen, I wanted to be a traveler and a writer.. today, I just know that I want to photograph and travel the world.

3. I love taking buses I've never taken before, sitting by the window and watching the landscape pass by. I believe that joy can be found in such small things, living one day at a time.

sobre mí

1. creo en Dios y estoy orgullosa de ser Su hija.

2. de pequeña, cuando me sentía triste, solía sentarme en el patio de mi casa, abrazar a mis perros y llorar. tenía y todavía tengo la absoluta certeza de que sabían como me sentía. cuando era niña, mi sueño era convertirme en veterinaria; cuando crecí, quise ser una viajera y escritora... hoy por hoy, sólo sé que quiero fotografiar y viajar y conocer el mundo.

3. me encanta viajar en colectivo por caminos que nunca he transitado y, sentada junto a la ventanilla, mirar el paisaje cambiar una y otra vez. creo que la alegría puede ser encontrada en cosas tan pequeñas, viviendo un día a la vez.

나의 대해서

1. 하나님을 믿고, 그의 딸이라는것이 자랑스럽다.

2. 어렸을적 우울하고 슬플 때는 언제나 우리 집 정원에 앉아 키우던 우리 개들을 안으며 울었었다. 그때도 지금도 난 그들이 나의 기분을 정확히 알 수 있었다고 믿는다. 어린 아이였을 때 나의 꿈은 수의사가 되는것이였다, 시간이 흐르고 나이가 들어 여행자 또한 작가가 되고싶었다.. 하지만 지금은 그저 사진을 찍고 세계를 여행 다니며 알아가고 싶다.

3. 버스를 타는것을 좋아한다, 특히 한 번도 다녀보지 않은 길을 다니는 버스에 창문쪽에 앉아, 지나가는 풍경을 보며. 기쁨은 참 사소하고 작은것에 느낌 수 있다고 믿는다, 하루하루를 소중히 여기며.


 my friend kta
I love the quietness of the early morning. for some reason, I've always avoided crowds, which make me feel so awkward and misplaced.. being naturally shy has always been a part of who I am.

monday morning


it was monday morning, the second day of our little getaway, and we were glad it was cloudy as the weather had cooled down. it would definitely let us get to know the historic small town of Colonia del Sacramento better, without being driven by the heat and the need to hide from the sun under every tree we came across.

era lunes por la mañana, nuestro segundo día de viaje y no podríamos haber estado más encantadas con el tiempo nublado, la temperatura baja que nos permitiría conocer mejor el pequeño pueblo histórico de Colonia del Sacramento, sin ser movilizadas por el calor y la necesidad de refugiarnos del sol bajo cada árbol que nos cruzáramos.
kta, on that sunny day one.

walking around the town

myself, by the flowers.
resting under a tree.

as soon as we arrived in Colonia del Sacramento, we randomly checked into a hotel, dropped our bags off and went out for some lunch and a walk around the town. it was such a sunny, sunny day.

on a sunny, sunny day.

Río de la Plata on a sunny day.

where the wind takes us

where we wind takes us
I have just got home from a trip to Uruguay. it was just the three of us, I mean myself, my best friend Kta and my beloved camera. two free spirits in need for adventure. our trips are always so spontaneous, a little bit messy yet breathtaking.. and I love it.

adonde nos lleve el viento
acabo de regresar de un pequeño viaje a Uruguay, que realicé con mi mejor amiga Kta y mi preciada cámara. dos almas en busca de aventura. amo nuestros viajes, siempre tan espontáneos, quizás un poco desorganizados pero nunca dejan de ser emocionantes.